The 1996 Crop Circle Expedition a success!
Well folks, I have to tell ya. This was my first visit to the United Kingdom
from the United States the country in which I live, and all I can say is
what a magical, mysterious, beautiful place England and Scotland really
are! We spent 11 fast days researching and going into the crop circle formations
and interviewing individuals from all walks of life who have had UFO sightings,
abductions and other strange things happen to them.
Along the way I have made more friends in that 11 day research tour than
I made all year back in the states! Some of those were people like Colin
Andrews for all his expert insight into the circles, Peter Sorenson for
getting me hooked on this delicious apple cider concoction better known
as "Scrumpy"!
Steve Alexander for all his help with photos, Stuart and Mark at the Crop
Circle Connecter for all their ongoing help, ilyes for her direction and
incredible research into the circles, Ted and Vera Waite, owners of the
Clock Inn for their warm hospitality, great beer, good friends and startling
accounts of their own UFO encounters!
Irene Bott of the Staffordshire UFO Group, Ian our totally kewl pilot at
"Fast Helicopters,Andover" for flying us over the formations and
allowing us to be the first to fly over and photograph from the air the
"Windmill Hill - Triple Julia Set" formation amongst others. Busty
Taylor for all his kindness, Bob and Cecilia Dean of Stargate International,
Joyce Murphy and master photographer Stuart Conway of Beyond Boundaries
and everyone in our group.
Everyone in Scotland we met, everyone at the Barge Inn in Alton Barnes,
very special thanks to Darryl Fionda for driving us all over Scotland, Southern
England, London and that valiant effort to get us to the airport, miss ya
bro but we'll see ya next year! And just to many others to list here, but
you know who you are!
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